Google Maps Reviews Scraper


Monitoring your online reputation is essential for business owners. The positive reviews you receive can help boost your business, while the negative reviews you receive can harm your brand's reputation. With our Google Map review scraper service, you can easily extract and analyze the reviews for your business or competitors.

Our Google Map review scraper is a powerful tool that can extract reviews from Google Maps for any business or location. Within minutes, you can obtain a comprehensive list of reviews, including ratings, comments, and usernames. Our review scraper can also filter reviews by date, rating, or keyword, making it easy to identify patterns and trends in customer feedback. With LiveScraper, you'll have a seamless experience.

Guide on How to Scrape Reviews
From Google Maps.


Take a look at how to scrap reviews from Google maps using our platform. Input your desired location, business, and other parameters so that you can get the data you need. Check the out the tutorial.


Data Dictionary


Here is the list of column names with it's description which you will get in the output.


query : Search Term Used to find reviews.


business_name : The name of the place on Google Maps.


google_id : unique identifier of the place, also known as Feature ID (Google might update it a couple of times per year).


place_id : unique identifier of the place (Google might update it a couple of times per year).


place_cid : This field displays the multi-platform ID of a listing in the Google ecosystem.


google_place_url : link to the place on Google Maps.


reviews_link : link to the reviews


reviews_per_score : This field displays a JSON object that shows the number of reviews per score.


total_reviews : total numbers of reviews the place has received.


average_rating : average rating of the place.


review_id : unique identifier of the review.


author_link : link to author's profile on Google Maps.


author_title : title of the author's profile page.


author_id : unique identifier of the author.


author_image : image url from the author's profile page.


review_text : review text (if written by author).


review_img_url : image url from the review (if exists).


review_img_urls : Multiple image url from the review (if exists).


owner_answer : text of the owner replies (if exists).


owner_answer_timestamp : timestamp value when owner replied (if exists).


owner_answer_timestamp_datetime_utc : datetime value when owner replied (if exists).


review_link : link to the review.


review_rating : rating of the review.


review_timestamp : timestamp value when review placed.


review_datetime_utc : datetime value when review placed.


review_likes : numbers of review's likes.


reviews_id : unique identifier of the place's reviews.

Ready to get started?


Say goodbye to monthly subscription fees and recurring billing. LiveScraper’s Pay as You Go billing model allows you to pay only for the services you use and as much as you use.

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Use Cases


Below are few examples of how our Google Maps Review Scraper can be beneficial in helping you attain your objectives.


Reputation Management

Monitor and analyze the online reputation regularly for your business or your competitors. Businesses can identify areas for improvement by collecting reviews from a wide range of customers.


Competitor Analysis

Businesses can gain insights into how customers perceive their competition. By identifying these areas, the business can differentiate itself from the competition.


Market Research

Collect information about consumer trends and preferences in a particular area or industry. Analysis of reviews can help businesses identify areas for improvement in their products or services based on what customers are looking for.

API Docs

Interested in using our services in your application, Check out the API doc for code examples.



Discover the most commonly asked questions by our users and their corresponding answers.

You can scrape reviews from Google maps using out Google maps Review scraper. Simply login and select the parameters you want and scrape the data.

Google Reviews scraping can extract a range of data, including the review text, reviewer name, rating, date of review, and other relevant information available on in review.

Common use cases for Google Reviews scraping include reputation management, competitive analysis, market research, and sentiment analysis.

Yes, Google Reviews scraping data can be used for sentiment analysis to analyze customer sentiment towards a particular business or product. This can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior.

Is it legal to scrape reviews from Google Maps?


Web scraping is a common technique used to gather data from websites, including reviews on Google Maps. As long as the scraped data is publicly available and does not harm the website, there are no federal laws prohibiting web scraping. This means that if the reviews are accessible to anyone on the internet and the scraping process does not disrupt the website's functionality, then it is generally considered legal. You can get your desired reviews and customer information without violating any laws.

Why Us


Our Google Map review scraper is easy to use and can be customized to meet your specific needs. Moreover, we offer a free tier so customers can try our tool before spending any money. You only pay for the services you use. Whether you are a small business owner or a marketing agency, our review scraper can help you gain valuable insights into your customers and competitors. At our company, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality, reliable data scraping services.


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Have any questions? We love to help! Don't hesitate and please fill out the form below to get in touch with us.


Data scraping can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as market research, competitive analysis, and lead generation.