Get Public data Alive


LiveScraper allows users to scrape valuable business data from Google maps and many other sources. We are offering a simple and user-friendly platform that allows you to log in and collect data instantly. As a result, you will receive the most useful and accurate insights for growing your business.

We understand that time is precious, and that's why we designed our platform to be as simple and easy to use as possible. Upon signing up for our platform, you will be able to access all its features. Once the data is extracted, you can easily download it and analyze it further.

Free Tierarrow-right

AI-Driven Tools for Data Scraping and Lead Generation: No Coding Required


Our mission is to ensure everyone has access to public data, regardless of their technical expertise. We have developed a platform that doesn't require coding knowledge and has a user-friendly interface to guide you through the process. Simply log in, choose the information you want to scrape, and specify the details you want to extract, and you're done.

We have designed our platform with simplicity, so you can focus on the data that matters most to your business. Whether you're a marketer, a researcher, or a business owner, our platform can help you to get data which you can use to gain insights and unlock the potential to expand your business further.

Use Cases


Below are few examples of how our services can be beneficial in helping you attain your objectives.

Pay only for what you need, when you need it


We believe in transparent and flexible pricing that puts you in control. With LiveScraper, you won't have to worry about monthly subscription fees or recurring billing. Instead, you'll only pay for the individual services that you use, as much or as little as you need. This way, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and keep your costs under control.

To make things even more affordable, we offer a Free Tier that allows you to use a certain amount of data scraping each month for free. This means you can get started with our platform without any upfront costs and only pay for additional usage as needed.

No monthly subscription fee
No recurring billing
Get 500 Free Usage Every Month

Exploring Blog


Stay upto date with the latest web scraping services, technology and insights by reading our blog.

GDPR compliant data


We exclusively provide professional and publicly available data to our clients. Ensure that all the data we gather, provide to our clients, and store on their behalf is legal and ethical in origin. Our data collection practices adhere to the standards established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which permit the lawful use of such data for commercial purposes.

Furthermore, we maintain transparency in our data handling processes. We meticulously track the data collected to ensure it is available for your intended use. Using our platform, you can access the data you need with complete transparency and security.


Data scraping can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as market research, competitive analysis, and lead generation.